Learn the basics of several printmaking techniques with this four week introductory course run by Shirley Stevenson
About this course
Do you want to learn some of the basics of printmaking while having fun and being creative? This course will give you a good introduction to both printing by hand and using the studio presses. You will explore mark-making,shape, and texture, through mono printing, printing with found surfaces and Collagraph printing. You will experience both, relief and intaglio printing methods.
A new process will be introduced each week and you will be encouraged to work experimentally, recognising the creative possibilities of each approach and how you might combine them
Week 1 - Mono print and monotype
Working playfully with mark-making, stencils and inked packaging shapes, you will make a series of prints, by overprinting different layers and colours.
Week 2 - Rubber Stamp printing
In this session you will learn how to make stamps from rubber and craft foam. Once made, the stamps can be used in a variety of ways, it’s a very open and playful way of working.
Week 3 - Collagraph printing
There are many different ways of making Collagraph plates, we will start with card cuts and texture to create variations in surface and tone for relief printing. Again you will explore multiple plate printing.
Week 4 - Collagraph printing using intaglio printing method
Working with your existing plates, you will explore other ways of printing and making multi layered prints. You can introduce other simple shapes as needed, working individually with support.